A work environment is healthy when nothing is urgent. The learning offer is designed along the theme of “time”: the personal and subjective sensation of time, the weight of time passing, the quality of awareness in the present moment and its elusiveness. It is both a learning experience and an action of Social Responsibility.
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- Challenge Tackled
To provide at the same time a learning offer and an action contributing to the company’s Social Responsibility.
To work along the issue of (the lack of) time, as identified by the company
- Target group, beneficiaries or clients
Companies, employers and employees, no profit organisations
- Solution
The encounter with a time different from the company time, the time of the teens, the time of an association that is organized with the objectives of inclusion and not productivity. The core of the learning experience was carried out together with a youth association active in a disadvantaged area of the city, around a need that the association had (a web radio). The participants experienced a time forcedly slowed down by the characteristics of the team: adolescents belonging to an ethnic minority, clashing with their own limits and trying together to find resources in the face of this.
- Innovation
The experience is both a learning opportunity for participants and a concrete action of Social Responsibility for the company involved.
- Unique Selling Point
Highly tailored to the needs and interests of the company.
- Impact
Improved knowledge and fellowship among colleagues
Improved knowledge and value towards the SDGs
New stress management strategies and tools
Healthier work environment
Increased Social Responsibility
- Feasibility/Transferability
Highly transferable and adaptable according to the company’s needs
Online self-learning material