Smart Eviornment
Learners' Stories
I have spent much of my career between scientific and industrial activities, I have obtained an industrial PhD in environmental biotechnologies and worked in biotech industries in Italy and abroad. My work has always aimed at bringing into “real” world discoveries carried out in the lab. I am now working for Smart Revolution, a consultancy company that is involved in several EU-funded projects and offers consultancy services to start-ups on innovation and business development. Here I always try to give my expertise at the service of new projects and initiatives, therefore when I was offered the possibility to develop my own course for the company, within the ESG SMART ACADEMY, I was thrilled (and scared a bit at the same time!) Indeed, I was happy to transfer my expertise, but I had little experience in delivering training, especially online. Fortunately, Smart Revolution has long-time experience in innovative online learning methodologies to foster engagement and collaboration, and together with my colleagues, I was able to set up my course: “Efficiency, Productivity and Wellbeing through Conscious Environmental Choices”
Smart Revolution has a whole online learning programme on Sustainability, so my colleagues were able to give me tips on how to design the offer in an engaging way, using for instance Mentimeter to create instant pools and ice-breaking activities and break out rooms for small group assignments. The main innovation was to design a course that was specifically targeting small and medium companies or organisations and their employees, giving them practical information on how to adopt a conscious environmental behaviour starting from their workplace.
I was certainly inspired by the good practices already collected by the GSD European team and I am honoured to be part of such piloting experience. I feel now prepared to offer my course to anyone who is interested!