Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) at the workplace
Learners' Stories
For my company, Smart Revolution, I have been developing an innovative learning programme, fully online, on the ESG parameters (Environment, Social and Governance) and the topic of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion could not be out of it!
Smart Revolution has long-time experience in innovative online learning methodologies to foster engagement and collaboration therefore, the digital aspect of such learning module was not a problem. Indeed, we made sure to structure the programme to be able to leave enough time for exchange and group discussion. Also, we included a variety of learning tools, from slides, to short videos, to interactive games.
The aim was to develop a learning offer tailored to the reality of small and medium enterprises or organisations, that do not have a Human Resources Department dealing with DEI issues. Therefore, the initial challenge was to collect good practices from companies and organisations of such size.
The module was piloted internally, and it was very successful, all participants thought that the topic was highly interesting and relevant.
A testimony from one participant: “The two lectures that followed were interesting and engaging to the right degree, stimulating awareness-raising on various issues that are not at all addressed in the workplace!”